
A fine line... between love and hate (Ch.1)

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When Harry is wandering the castle at night, he finds an odd scene with Draco Malfoy in it.

The night turns out to be more eventful then Harry pictured, and will affect him more than it should.

Hogwarts castle was beautiful at night. Harry sometimes wandered it at night.

It was a habit. The dark beautiful spaces claimed him, until he could fall sound asleep.  

Tonight was such a night. After tossing and turning, Harry gave up and hit his feet.

The contrast between the usually overcrowded halls of Hogwarts during the day, and at night, was suiting. Harry almost wanted to return to bed, seeing the moon rising outside in the dark.


When he passed the Slytherin dorm (where he really shouldn’t have been at this hour).

Harry flinched when I heard voices. Quickly he sought cover behind one of the stone pillars of the hall. When he turned his head towards to noise he could see, Draco Malfoy...

With his back against the against the wall. Surrounded by some of his fellow Slytherins.

Harry noticed Pansy Parkinson. One of Draco’s followers (or possibly friend), Harry thought absently.

A curious scene at this hour of night. Harry ’s curiously was peaked. He planned to watch and find out what was going on.


One of the voices spoke. ‘’What were you thinking Draco!’’ He sounded angry.

Had Draco done something? ‘’Keep your filthy hands to yourself!’’ Harry was confused, and let his gaze fall over Pansy, being the only girl in this scenario, but she seemed completely unmoved or felt sorry for Draco. Harry was more confused now. ‘’We don’t have YOUR kind in a BOYS dorm!’’

Harry ‘s mind was processing the sentence. Then it hit him, Draco… liked guys. He got no time to take it in any further because Draco was taking a beating from the other Slytherins. Pansy was the only one who didn’t participate in the cruelty.


Draco didn’t fight back. Harry wanted to rush into the scene, but he knew he was largely outnumbered, and he would probably get expelled for using the kind of spells necessary to ward every single one of them off. He bit his teeth and make the rational choice (hating himself for not wanting to be send away back to his foster family). Pansy was pushed inside the dorm with the others, when Draco lay severely injured on the ground.


Harry waited until there was nobody in sight anymore. Then he stood in front of his fallen enemy. His noses was bleeding, and his eyes were closed. Harry placed his hands on both sights of Draco’s face. Feeling some of the platinum blond hair slight by his fingers.

He tried to speak. ‘’Draco… Draco, WAKE UP!’’ No response followed. Harry panicked.

He had to get a teacher. Darn it! Harry thought to himself, but his concern for his enemy was greater than his unease about being scolded for being out of bed at night.


As he moved to his feet to seek out a teacher who was awake, he felt a weak hand on his wrist. Harry looked down quickly.

‘’Draco…’’ He uttered softly. Afraid that if he would raise his voice, Draco would fade away in his current state. Instinctively, as well as impulsively, he held Draco to keep him from tumbling back onto the floor. Draco looked paler than usual. ‘’Don’t go…’’ were the only two words that the hurt boy was able to produce. Harry felt a rush of panic again, but it seemed like Malfoy was doing better.


‘’I need to get a teacher, tell them what happened to you’’ Draco looked up at him scared.

‘’DON’T!’’ He held onto Harry fiercely. That surprised Harry. Draco Malfoy, didn’t want revenge?

‘’Please Harry…’’ Harry felt his heart jump. It was unexpected.

He wanted Draco to go back to the sardonic bastard he always was. This weak, defenseless Malfoy was screwing with his head.


He felt sorry, sympatric and something else that he couldn’t really place. ‘’Please just leave me here, Harry.’’ Harry snapped at him. ‘’I am not LEAVING you here, do you understand!’’

He stood up and without looking back he stormed off in the direction of someone who could help Draco. Hopefully the situation would make them forget he was out of bed as well.


On the second floor, he found Hogwarts caretaker, Filch. Harry explained in a few words before they went back to the entrance to the Slytherin dorm, where Malfoy was still laying on the ground.

Quickly some teachers took action and Draco was taken to the hospital wing.

Harry was send back to bed, but he couldn’t get any shuteye. Draco was gay? He thought to himself.

Making sense of the scene, the beating, and then he realized that weird feeling he got when he was holding Malfoy. Harry shook the thought. It was nothing, and finally he shut his tired eyelids, and drifted into a grateful sleep. 


When Ron woke in the morning, he looked over at Harry who was still looking pretty exhausted.

He showed no sign of waking up. Ron looked at the clock. They had potions right after breakfast.

Which Harry had completely slept through. Ron decided it was time for sleeping beauty to wake up.

Shaking his shoulder he was confused as Harry started mumbling. ‘’Draco’’

Ron looked so confused that his eyes crossed.


To be contined…

I've been waiting to write a fanfiction about this couple :)
I hope you all enjoy it ;)

Pairing: Draco & Harry (Drarry)
Fandom: Harry Potter
© 2015 - 2024 NaraHunter
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